ELC: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopWellness Wednesday: Caring for the Caregiver
DepartmentDepartmentESU#3 Early Learning Connection
Default ContactDefault ContactStephanie Pink
Default LocationZoom Virtual Learning
DescriptionWellness Wednesdays provide a dedicated time every month to focus on one or multiple aspects of well-being. Early childhood educators provide nurturing care and educator well-being is related to young children's health and wellness. Because of this, it is important to engage in self-care because wellbeing is at the heart of caring for children!

Here’s a session where the message is don’t let the small stuff – and small ones – stress you out. It's time to prioritize yourself! This workshop is designed to help educators and providers manage stress and find joy in the midst of their daily responsibilities to children. Discover fun and effective ways to cope with the demands of early childhood while nurturing your own well-being.